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Student Volunteer Testimonials

Here's what our students thought of the 8 week volunteer training.

Testimonial June 2024

Going through the Upper Room Training has been an eye-opening experience for me.

I have gained so much in-depth knowledge about the various challenges that people face in their lives and how to support them through it.


The skills that I've learned in the training not only make me a better listener for those who call the hotline but also for those in my everyday life as well.


They have been invaluable in helping me to emulate Christ to others. 

Thank you, Terry and Jean for sharing such great information with us and for taking the time to train us.



Testimonial June 2024

Thank you again for the training and the support. It has been a very deep experience so far for me.
After been searching for years for the right ministry and praying to God for him to lead me to where I
can serve him. I was introduced to the Upper Room.


Very soon into the training I was able to realize
what a beautiful and selfless ministry this is. After going through the course and meeting the
community online, I am very grateful for coming across the Upper Room ministry.


It is a service where the truthful and sincere interest is to help and support the person who needs it, without judgment, without personal interest and truly allowing God through you to love and support the person in need.
God bless you



Testimonial 2024

I have been blessed to have been led here by the Holy Spirit to complete the Upper Room Training
Program and become a phone counselor. I have had it on my heart to help people in this kind of way
for years and discovered the Upper Room one afternoon while looking online for an opportunity.

Everything that I found did not feel right until I saw the Upper Room. After reading about what the
Upper Room offers for people I felt a calling that this is what God wanted me to be doing. I knew I had
lots to learn before taking a shift at the Upper Room but the training program they offer equipment me
well. In going through the training I learned so much about listening and how important that is for
people, prayer and the peace that can bring to others, the importance of being in the moment with
people, and most importantly that I am to be an instrument for the Holy Spirit and ultimately that is
what matter as if I am open to him, he can work through me to help those who call in the ways they
need and not in the ways I think they need.


Dr. Terry Smith, Jean Haas and Sr. Mary Frances as well as the many other professional individuals that provide the training went over in depth what to expect and the tools that are needed to ensure I felt comfortable with starting as a phone counselor with the Upper Room. 

They covered content that included: Spirituality, Mental Health Disorders, Relationships, The Occult
and many more. They gave us opportunities to practice mock phone calls, and went over what we can expect. 

It is incredible to have a Catholic Hotline like the Upper Room available to anyone around the world to be able to call
and get support from the many amazing volunteers on the line. In a world where so many are hurting, alone, and
confused it is amazing to have a resource like this. 

It is also accessible to volunteers around the world as everything is completed online, so no matter where you are in
the world if you feel a call or stirring in your heart I encourage you to get in contact with them as this may be where the Lord is wanting you to serve.

                                                                                    A. N.


Testimonial 2024

My training class I just recently went through was very informative and well planned. I have learned so very much to help
me be prepared as a phone counselor going forward. I'm so grateful to have found this opportunity.

God surely led me to this position.  
Terry/Jean, I will make you proud.
Thank you,

V. R.


Testimonial June 2024

This is my experience with The Upper Room Training program:
First of all, I want to thank God, for He is the only one who led me here to this ministry.

Second, I would like to thank you, and all the volunteers that make this resource possible and
available for people in need.

At the beginning of the training, I thought I had an idea of what a phone counselor was, but as
classes progressed, I realized how wrong I was.


I'm very grateful for all that I have learned, for me this is an experience that never crossed my mind, and now I know, that the only way to get experience as a phone counselor, is putting into action what I’ve learned.

I was scared and exited at the same time, and a little bit anxious, because of the fact that my English
is not very good, but I did it. -Praise to God.-

I have a long way to go,  but I’m not alone, because here at The Upper Room found very  kind,
compassionate, patient, humble and loving people who will guide me in this noble cause.

Thank you for your service and all your help.

May God bless you always.                                   R. C.


Testimonial June 2024

Training for The Upper Room Hot Line exceeded my expectations. I’ve learned skills that help
me to listen better, help wisely which I’m applying in my close relationships and everyday


I am utterly impressed with the variety and attractiveness of topics, expertise of the
instructors, the scale and excellent organization of the ministry, engagement and devotion of
everybody involved.


It is incredible to see such kindness and compassion at work and it just
warms my heart. I feel so blessed and enriched to become a part of it.


If I can apply into my life what I’ve learned during the training, especially non judgment and ability to really see people, it would be a real paradigm change.

What surprised and touched me the most is the enormous need for affirmation and a kind word
we all crave.



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Contributions are tax-deductible under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) 

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The Upper Room Crisis Hotline, Inc.

The Upper Room Crisis Hotline 
P.O. Box 3572  
Joliet, Il. 60434

Information shared by callers to the Upper Room Crisis Hotline will be kept confidential by the Upper Room volunteers with the following exceptions: Imminent harm to the caller or a third party or when there is reasonable cause to believe that a child may be abused or neglected by the caller.

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